Chippur helps organisations create unique wellness initiatives, tailored at scale, delivering measurable outcomes and ROI


It’s not just an app…

Chippur is a entire platform designed to help organisations around the world create their own unique wellness initiatives tailored to their individual team members.

Your staff need to be treated like the talented individuals they are, we provide tools for you to deliver individualised programs to each one of them.

The only way you can improve your programs are to measure them, Chippur provides you valuable information and data that helps you learn about your team and justify investment in wellness initiatives that are actually working.


Personal habit tracker that learns and adapts to each user

From the moment staff is invited by their company, each user is treated as an unique individual.

A central place for all workplace wellness events and content

Designed to support a dispersed workforce, allowing you to digitise and communicate your entire wellbeing portfolio and event calendar to staff.

Engaging programmes and learning content

Premium Chippur members can access our 8 week programmes run throughout the week in partnership with Feel Fresh Nutrition.

In app pulse feedback

Designed to be as unobtrusive as possible, our in app pulse reporting can be enabled to prompt staff to provide simple feedback each week.

Company wide challenges and habits

Challenge your employees and build camaraderie with shared challenges and goals.

Deep analytics and insights to measure impact and improve

We’ve designed Chippur from the ground up to allow you to measure and analyse anonymised data from your staff to ensure that you are investing where it matters and delivering programmes that make a difference.


Personal habit tracker that learns and adapts to each user


We focus on serving the individual at scale

Your team is full of awesome individuals, each with different needs and goals. Chippur isn’t a one size fits none solution, we focus on the individual.

From the moment staff is invited by their company, each user is treated as an individual and can select and follow their own unique habits and challenges to help them achieve their own goals. Whether it’s exercise from hopping off the bus a stop early on your commute, providing a random act of kindness each day, or practicing some meditation each morning, Chippur has plenty of small atomic habits that cover nutrition, movement and mental health.

Happier and healthier staff

Tailored goals are designed to promote positive change every day of the week.

Our habit recommendation algorithm look beyond just the motivations of each user, we consider their personality traits and demographics too. As a result, at Unitec 78% of staff made a long term positive habit change with Chippur


A central place for all workplace wellness events and content


Communicate your staff wellness benefits

You probably have them hidden on a noticeboard somewhere, forgotten by all. You spent money on them, but do you have any idea if anyone is actually taking advantage of them? Chippur solves this.

Design to support a dispersed workforce with flexible content management to allow you to digitise and communicate your entire wellbeing portfolio and event calendar to staff. Benefits can be one-off or recurring events, external deals or arrangements with other providers, or even just basic announcements.

At Unitec, 55% of people surveyed indicated that they discovered something that they didn’t already know about using the Pinboard

Interact with benefits in-app

Your team can discover, learn, engage, and then book into events right in app with flexible call to actions. A user could view an upcoming yoga sessions, select a specific time that suits, and then book to rsvp a place in the class without leaving Chippur. We’ll automatically notify on their phone them a day ahead of the their booking and even sent them a calendar invite via email - you don’t need to manage anything!

Monitor engagement to guide investment decisions

As a administrator, you can see exactly how many people have viewed and engaged with a certain event. You’ll be able to instantly see what events are a roaring success, and others that aren’t quite so. Chippur gives you clear quantitative data on these initiatives that you’ve created so you can guide future investment into areas that really are making a positive difference!


Engaging programmes and learning content


Customisable and engaging programmes to educate and inspire

Unlock exclusive access to our 8-week programs tailored to boost nutrition, movement, and mental well-being. Delivered conveniently through our app, each program is crafted to drive tangible results. Experience improved health, boosted morale, and heightened productivity as your team thrives with our personalised, expert-led approach.

Some examples of topics:

  • Top habits to maintain your weight.

  • The relationship between nutrition and exercise.

  • Protein, why you need to know more about how this macronutrient will support weight management.

  • Your top non-food nutritional strategies.

  • The difference between weight-loss and maintenance.

  • Everything you need to know about weight-loss including understanding appetite and satiety hormones.

  • How nutrition and our mental health is linked.

Meal Plans, shopping lists and recipes

Additionally, each week there is a choice of weekly meal plan options, including a standard, vegetarian or low carb plan, with shopping lists to create a seamless grocery experience while reducing food waste and saving money. New weekly seasonal recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. All tried and tested and used by both the Feel Fresh Nutrition community and made by incredible NZ chefs and our favourite foodies. All downloadable or can be emailed to yourself and friends.


Company wide challenges and habits


Create positive organisation-level shared initiatives

Chippur Challenges are shared challenges that all members in an organisation are a part of. You can use Chippur’s variety of existing habits as a foundation for a new initiative. We take care of keeping track of every team member’s progress, and everyone can see their progress (as well as their team’s or organisation’s) right here in the app. The goal can be shared, or you can encourage competition by competing in teams against other areas in your organisation, the possibilities are endless.

Some examples we’ve seen:

  • The most engaged user in their chosen habits at the end of a month is awarded a fitness tracker

  • “Steptember”, but at the end of the month the organisation donates $1 for every 1,000 tracked steps to charity

  • The team with the most active minutes at the end of the week gets a free lunch out on Friday

Foster camaraderie and team spirit

Camaraderie is a requirement of a high performing team. Motivating non-engaged staff to work together to a shared goal is a a easy way to build the necessary connections.


In app pulse feedback


Invite real time feedback from your staff

Designed to be as unobtrusive as possible, our in app pulse reporting can be enabled to prompt staff to provide simple feedback each week. By default it only provides 5 options for staff, and more detail can be given if needed. Feedback can be requested as often as you like and at a certain time of day or day of week.

Perfect for measuring the impact of new initiatives, for example you can ask staff to provide feedback of an event that they just went to. Alternatively, you can see monitor the onboarding experience of new team members, with specific targeted onboarding feedback collection.

Designed to fill in the gaps between deeper surveys

It’s not designed to be a detailed survey to all your staff, it’s designed to be a lightweight feedback collection tool to allow you to fill in the gaps with data points constantly throughout the year. Stop waiting months to measure the impact of a new initiative, instead you can measure in a near real time basis.


Deep analytics and company insights


Real-time ROI measurements on your programmes and efforts

Chippur's analytics dashboard offers valuable insights into employee behaviour and trends, empowering data-driven decision-making to improve well-being and engagement.

Utilising integrated analytics provides the board with a comprehensive and centralised view of organisational performance, prioritising employee well-being and success. The real-time dashboard can identify and address potential risks in the workplace proactively by tracking metrics like stress levels, work-life balance, and job satisfaction. These insights inform management action and demonstrate a commitment to employee health and safety.

By gaining a clear picture of employee sentiment, the board can work to improve the employee experience by making informed decisions to address areas of concern and identify opportunities for improvement.