Engaging programmes and learning content


Customisable and engaging programmes to educate and inspire

Unlock exclusive access to our 8-week programs tailored to boost nutrition, movement, and mental well-being. Delivered conveniently through our app, each program is crafted to drive tangible results. Experience improved health, boosted morale, and heightened productivity as your team thrives with our personalised, expert-led approach.

Some examples of topics:

  • Top habits to maintain your weight.

  • The relationship between nutrition and exercise.

  • Protein, why you need to know more about how this macronutrient will support weight management.

  • Your top non-food nutritional strategies.

  • The difference between weight-loss and maintenance.

  • Everything you need to know about weight-loss including understanding appetite and satiety hormones.

  • How nutrition and our mental health is linked.

Meal Plans, shopping lists and recipes

Additionally, each week there is a choice of weekly meal plan options, including a standard, vegetarian or low carb plan, with shopping lists to create a seamless grocery experience while reducing food waste and saving money. New weekly seasonal recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. All tried and tested and used by both the Feel Fresh Nutrition community and made by incredible NZ chefs and our favourite foodies. All downloadable or can be emailed to yourself and friends.