Why Chippur?


Chippur Provides Personalisation

A quick initial survey allows the app to understand basic personality and physical indicators of each user, combined with their motivations and goals, the app allows users to participate in up to three daily habits that they can adjust over time. 

“Making lunch has become a habit that I've managed to stick to and have gone from 2 days per week to 5 days per week!!” - Employee, Unitec 2019. 


Of users indicated long term positive habit changes since using Chippur



Read the pulse of your company with real time reporting

Chippur provides you with a real-time dashboard that allows leaders to track the pulse of their organisation. Track engagement, including improvement of well-rested employees by watching their sleep time increase, watch their fitness change as they complete weekly physical challenges and witness how much sugar has been reduced in their diets, amongst other key health indicators. 

This data will enable you to have a healthier workforce as Chippur reports on what your staff care about in relation to health. Are they interested in mental health, or should your future wellness funds be allocated to nutrition? 

Chippur can provide insights about your employees needs.



Chippur centralises your existing initiatives.

Pull in everything you already do for your staff into one centralised place. Most staff are unaware of the full scope of your current offering. 

  • Communicates all wellness initiatives in one place,

  • Employees can book into any class,

  • Find and use company benefits, (gym memberships, flu shots, seminars),

  • Create your own company- wide initiatives with minimal administration,

  • Include your own organisational habits unique to your company.

“I had no idea that we had all of these activities going on!” - Employee, Unitec.


Of users discovered something that they didn’t already know about using the Pinboard



Chippur is a culture driver.

By centralising all wellness information and activities, Chippur has added extra value to current wellness programs and has had a visible impact on internal culture. 

“I feel more included, informed and mindful. Loved the design and the communication style (e.g., how young are you?).  It also gives an extra topic for starting a conversation with my colleagues as we talk about how they are doing and checking the progress and common struggles :)”

“My current coworkers value self-care more now and we encourage each other to have breaks and go for walks together.”

“I have signed up to the onsite yoga class and got to know some colleagues better.”

“At first I was very skeptical about using the app (how was this really going to help me?). But after getting into the daily routine of using the app and because I have chosen the activities myself, I found it to be very beneficial in helping me change my daily habits. The added competition with my team was an extra motivator.”